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Where Small Business, CUSOs, Credit Unions and their Members Collaborate for Mutual Growth

CUSOs and business providers of products and services to Credit Unions:

Blue Skies

We help Credit Unions, CUSOs, Business Owners and Entrepreneurs Collaborate for Success

We're passionate about helping credit union industry vendors and  Credit Union Service Organizations reach their full potential. In many cases, Credit Unions, Credit Union Service Organizations, Business Owners and Entrepreneurs are like ships passing in the night, missing opportunities to collaborate for mutual growth and success.


CUinfluentialsm is the source for identifying and presenting key solutions to issues facing the credit union industry.


We research and identify CUSOs and qualified  industry vendors that can serve the needs of credit unions and their members, then introduce them industry-wide to Credit Unions, select Credit Union Service Organizations, key industry leaders, and trade association resources such as the National Association of Credit Union Service Organizations.


We create and publish comprehensive, thoroughly researched white papers to introduce individual CUSOs and/or vendors to key credit union decision makers. We then promote the published papers through creative social media posts and direct mail distribution in order to boost readership and lead generation directly to our clients.


We get results - we're INFLUENTIAL!



Creative Office
Blurred Motion
Business Meeting


​...the credit union industry's premier collaborartive business influencer

Abstract Background



CUinfluentialsm  addresses the critical issues facing credit unions by independently vetting and researching qualified small business solutions providers and presenting them to the credit union industry. Our issue/solutions-focused outreach program is designed to introduce select small businesses, credit unions and credit union service organizations for mutual growth opportunities.


Our comprehensive B2B white papers document complex and challenging issues that confront bottom line growth, present facts and create logical arguments in favor of available solutions and present specific solutions offered by qualified small business entities, potential or existing CUSOs and other service providers with a authenticated success in delivering solutions to issues such as regulatory compliance, asset quality and growth, membership growth, talent acquisition, competition, business services, and more.


We reach tens of thousands of credit union, CUSO, and business executives through our affordable published white papers, promotional LinkedIn posts and direct email. If you are a credit union looking to collaborate with other credit unions, a CUSO wanting to expand your client base, or a small business solution provider wanting to offer your services to the credit union industry, we want to hear from you. You won’t believe how cost-effective collaborative growth can be.


Why Choose CUinfluential?

Share your story, promote your business, grow your bottom line.

Data-Driven Strategies

At CUInfluential, we do the research. We identify the issues. We find compelling reasons why your business or CUSO can serve the needs of credit unions and their 140 + million members.

We Know Credit Unions and We Know Business

Founded by a former banking executive, prominent national credit union consulting firm CEO, and 18-year board member of the National Association of Credit Union Service Organizations (NACUSO) we influence and create collaboration based on well-documented industry needs and solutions.


Creative, Influential Solutions

Using popular industry publishing sources and social media and direct contacts, we promote your business or CUSO to thousands of credit unions nationwide.

What  Our Clients Say

When Gelde Advisors sought to gain broad, national exposure promoting its services to credit unions, the firm reached out to CUinfluential and Mike Hales. After discussion with Mike and review of his company's offerings, Gelde Advisors engaged CUinfluential.
Mike immediately immersed himself in understanding our business model, researching the current state of commercial real estate credit markets, authored a comprehensive market-oriented white paper, and distributed the whitepaper to targeted credit unions nationwide.
We were thrilled with the speed, comprehensiveness and strategic targeting CUinfluential provided us.  We would highly recommend its services to other companies withing to engage with the credit union industry.
John Hancock, Principal
Marty Treece, Principal
Gelde Advisors
Portland, OR
Gelde logo.png

About CUinfluentialsm

CUinfluentialsm enables Credit Unions, CUSOs and Entrepreneurs to collaborate, grow, and succeed.  Our mission is to introduce these entities and encourage them to come together to share knowledge, resources, and ideas.  We are committed to fostering a collaborative community that supports mutual innovation and growth.


Meet Mike Hales, Founder

Mike knows small business and he knows Credit Unions. Mike served on the board of directors of the National Association of Credit Union Service Organizations (NACUSO) for nearly 2 decades, and chaired the Business Services, Governance, and Membership Growth committies.  A well-known credit union consultant, Mike was president of the venerable Credit Union consulting firm Counter Intelligence Associates and partner with the Rochdale Group, where he was lead consultant in the design and development of 16 business lending Credit Union Service Organizations (CUSOs), each owned by multiple credit unions. 

As a former banker, Mike was a commercial lender, trust officer, regional vice president and sales manager and community bank president.  While with Union Bank of California in San Francisco, he chaired the California Bankers Association Sales and Marketing Committee for several years. 

Mike is a graduate of Lincoln University Law School, the American Bankers Association School of Bank Marketing Management and Strategic Planning at the University of Georgia, and the NACUSO / Pepperdine University Designing and Implementing Collaboration and Business Networks certificate program at   Pepperdine's University Graziadio School of Business and Management.


Mike is also a published author, having written The Handbook of Consumer Banking Law  (Prentice-Halll) and The Language of Banking (McFarland Publishing). In addition, he has written and published multiple credit union white papers and articles.







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